Chorus Stories: Bri Walden
Our name is Bri (she/her) and we are a plural system, brand new this term with PGMC. Ever since we moved to Portland in 2016, we have been hesitant to join PGMC because we had this image in our head of it just being a bunch of crusty old gay…

This Month in PGMC History: May 2024
PGMC Historical Moments in the month of May
Compiled by PGMC Historian & Founder Gary Coleman
May 1987- May 1999 Portland AIDS Memorial Services at various locations with PGMC singing at all of them…

PGMC Remembers Darcelle XV
PGMC remembers Darcelle XV
A few weeks back Portland lost a legendary luminary with the passing of Darcelle XV. PGMC was preparing for the opening of our Spring Concert "The Body Electric" and to honor Darcelle's memory we dedicated that…

PGMC AAPI Statement
The Portland Gay Men’s Chorus wants to express our support and solidarity with the Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities in the face of recent attacks not only here in the United States but around the world. PGMC condemns…

Saying Good-bye to 2020! Looking Back on a tumultuous year.
A message from the Executive Director of the Portland Gay Men’s Chorus
We have crossed into 2021 and have finally said goodbye to 2020. If you are like me – this is definitely a year I am ever so ready to put into the rearview mirror! …

A Letter from the Portland Gay Men’s Chorus
Dear Friends of the Portland Gay Men’s Chorus,
As the Chorus closes out its 40th season and marks the beginning of Pride month, we are presented with an opportunity to reflect and grow. Recalling the Stonewall Riots of 1969, we remember…

What an interesting 40th Anniversary Season!
For the past three months, over 105 members of the Portland Gay Men’s Chorus have rehearsed the music for a concert celebrating our first 40 years on stage. “Reflections” was to introduce our new Artistic Director to the community,…

Reflecting on a Momentous Season!
Dear Friends,
On Saturday evening, June 22nd, PGMC's 39th Season came to a resounding end. What a season it was!
Last September began with the chorus winding its way across the People's Republic of China on a celebrated tour that reunited…

We once again look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays of the year. As I noted last year, unlike Christmas, Thanksgiving is all about the celebration of family and friends. It isn't about decorations or…

“Let There Be Peace on Earth”
PGMC completed its holiday concert series when the last refrain of "Thankful" reverberated through the rafters of the First United Methodist Church in Eugene this past Saturday. The Holiday Show is probably my favorite concert of the year…