Additional information
Amount | $10/month, $25/month, $50/month, $100/month, $250/month, $500/month, $1000/month, Other |
Your donation helps PGMC bring our productions to life as well as fund our community outreach programs that allow us to expose new communities to our message of equality. Every time PGMC performs, it strives to positively impact the world’s view of LGBT people. Your support helps make this possible. If you donate $100 or more per month, you are eligible for one of our Director’s Circle memberships, which includes concert tickets and event discounts.
Would you prefer to make a single, one-time donation to PGMC? Please click here!
Amount | $10/month, $25/month, $50/month, $100/month, $250/month, $500/month, $1000/month, Other |