We stand at a unique juncture in our 40-year history as a community chorus.  The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the way we operate and forced us to cancel the remainder of our 40th anniversary season. We don’t know when we will be able to return to “business as usual”, or what the new “normal” might look like. Faced with the prospect of ongoing social restrictions, our Board, Chorus leadership, and staff are working together to create a realistic plan for moving forward. Designed to provide a future for the Chorus and its ability to rebuild, the plan will be based on the most current public health advice and will prioritize the needs of our members and audience alike. It is a tall order, but PGMC will make it happen.

We will be making organizational changes to allow us to weather the pandemic, including adjustments in staffing, infrastructure, and where and when we perform. The Board has crafted a financial plan that will ensure our survival and provide strategic funding to allow us to resume the creation and production of what you have come to expect – show-stopping concerts. In the meantime, artistic leadership is continuing to engage our chorus membership in creating new music that we can share with our audiences.

Today we are delighted to present for your listening enjoyment our latest choral work, “Under Pressure”! This timely music video was recorded individually by our chorus members and edited during the month of April to create our very first virtual performance.  Much like the title, the Chorus has recorded this under immense pressure caused by the state of our world with their phones, computers, tablets, headphone microphones, and anything else they could find to get their voices and faces to “perform” together. Creating this gave them something to focus on and work toward, to represent the members that could not perform, and to remind our audience that not even a pandemic can stop us from making art together as a community. It is meant to live in a time capsule representing our time in quarantine during the month of April.  Take a moment to listen and enjoy!

The Portland Gay Men’s Chorus has been a landmark institution in this community for 40 years, making music that “honors and uplifts our community and affirms the worth of all people.” To continue that proud legacy, we are asking for your help. In order to end the year in a strong financial position, we need to raise $40,000 over the next four months. We understand that these are difficult times for everyone, but please consider a gift in support of our “Bridge the Gap” campaign. Your gift of $40, $80, $100, $400, or any other amount will go a long way towards ensuring that PGMC is here today and for the next 40 years.

Please enjoy our video of this Queen and David Bowie classic, and thank you in advance for your continued support of the Portland Gay Men’s Chorus.

Richard Jung
Executive Director

Bridge the Gap! – Donate Now